Repel moles, voles & ants with the solar mole deterrent
The Solar Mole & Ant Repellent Diamond disturbs burrowing animals and ants with sound. Perfect electronics in connection with solar technology in high-quality processing is the most environmentally friendly form of driving away rodents. Protection of gardens by tones in the frequency range of 400 ±100 Hz, which disturbs the way of life of voles, moles, ants and other burrowing animals in order to drive them away. The fine-tuned electronics with high-performance solar modules ensure consistent functionality even in poor light conditions.
Operating principle:sound
Power supply:solar
Place of use:outdoors
Special feature:ON/OFF switch
Animal:ants, mole, vole
Season:spring / summer
Reach:up to 700 sqm
Light conditions:partly shaded, sunny
Soil condition:for soft soils